Northern Ireland AssemblyThe legislature
The Northern Ireland Assembly is the devolved legislature for Northern Ireland. It is responsible for making laws on transferred matters in Northern Ireland and for scrutinising the work of Ministers and Government Departments. The publishing process
Reports are published digitally on a rolling basis on each Assembly sitting day, with the complete report of that day’s business generally published about two hours after the house has risen. Official Reports are also produced for most meetings of Assembly Committees. They too are published digitally and are generally available within three working days of the relevant Committee meeting. Contact details Office of the Official Report (Hansard) Northern Ireland Assembly Parliament Buildings Stormont Belfast BT4 3XX Tel: 028 90 521 463 Email: [email protected] Find out more on the Official Report pages. |
Authoritative record
The Official Report of the Northern Ireland Assembly, also known as Hansard, is the authoritative record of the proceedings of the Assembly. The Official Report is a substantially verbatim transcript of the proceedings; it reports what was said as well as what was decided, and follows the same terms of reference used by Hansard at Westminster as set out in Erskine May. |